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NoFront Playlist vom 29.08.2016 von 21.00 - 23.00 Uhr
Interpret Titel Zusatzinfos, z.B. Label / Album
Lacuna Coil House of Shame Delirium
Lacuna Coil Delirium Delirium
Equilibrium Prey Armageddon
Equilibrium Eternal Destination Armageddon
Dark Funeral Nail them to the Cross Where Shadows forever reign
Dark Funeral Where Shadows forever reign Where Shadows forever reign
Black Mood I.W.N.A.R. Squalid Garden
Black Mood Hung on Cross Squalid Garden
Schammasch Maelstrom Triangle ( Platte des Monats )
Schammasch Empyrean Triangle ( Platte des Monats )
Wolf Alice Giant Peach My Love is cool (2015) ( Konzerttipps )
Gengahr Heroine A Dream outside (2015) ( Konzerttipps )
The Flying Eyes Under Iron Feet Lowlands (2013) ( Konzerttipps )
Suns Of Thyme Former Friend Suns Of Thyme / Odd Couple Split 7" (2015) ( Konzerttipps )
Krank Tote Zeit Ins Verderben (2015) ( Konzerttipps )
Wind And The Whaler State of left behind Lions in Chains, Cities in Flames (2016) ( Konzerttipps )
We're All Thieves A brief Conversation Secret Skies EP (2015) ( Konzerttipps )
Hidden Symmetries Signal Adventures EP (2016) ( Konzerttipps )
Archetype Screaming Silence Reflections EP (2014) ( Konzerttipps )
Billy Corgan Mina Loy (M.O.H.) The FutureEmbrace (2005)
Jeremy Enigk Carnival Return of the Frog Queen (1996)