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Playliste zur Sendung No front

Aus dem Studio: Neue Scheiben und Live-Konzerte aus der Anlage, leider ohne PdM diesmal!
Interpret Titel Zusatzinfos, z.B. Label / Album
Pestilence Hatred within The Penance (1986)
Pestilence Sempiternvs Exitivim
Pestilence Mortifervm Exitivim
Requiem All hail the new God Collapse into Chaos
Requiem Mankind never learns Collapse into Chaos
Fractal Universe A cosmological Arch The Impassable Horizon
Fractal Universe Godless Machinists The Impassable Horizon
Opium Warlords A heavy Heart Nembutal
Boss Keloid Orang the Noyn Family The Smiling Thrush
Boss Keloid Hats to Mandrill Family The Smiling Thrush
Red Fang Unreal Estate Arrows
Red Fang Days collide Arrows
Octohawk Reanimate Animist
Octohawk Ancestor Animist
The Hanging Garden Tunturi Skeleton Lake
The Hanging Garden Skeleton Lake Skeleton Lake
Autumnblaze One Breath Welkin Shores Burning
Autumnblaze Flamedoves Welkin Shores Burning
Abkehr II In Blut
Abkehr iV In Blut
Todsünde Mensch ärgere Dich nicht Geistesgift
Todsünde Auge um Auge Geistesgift